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Onderwerp: DSC3 start sterk met ruime overwinning
Ciprian Padurariu

Antwoorden: 6
Bekeken: 18945

17-09-2012 15:16 Forum: Seizoen 2012-2013

I did not consider the added pressure Ted, but I totally, totally agree with you.
Lucien, if you would have won, the score would have probably been 8-0! Glimlach

Then everyone in the league sub-division would fear DSC3 and future opponents of Paul Keres 3 would underestimate them! Even future opponents would be pressured and probably we would end up winning the group. Lach

Let's win it anyway, so Lucien can get rid of all regrets! Knipoog

Onderwerp: DSC3 start sterk met ruime overwinning
Ciprian Padurariu

Antwoorden: 6
Bekeken: 18945

17-09-2012 10:17 Forum: Seizoen 2012-2013

A couple of years ago I also lost first round and the score ended up 6-2 then as well. Then we lost 6-2 and my game was the longest, now we won 6-2 and my game was shortest.
Seems I should play faster and our team will win! Glimlach
Congratulations to all those who won!

Onderwerp: Ted Barendse en Jan-Pieter de Vries Open Delfts Doorgeefschaakkampioen 2012
Ciprian Padurariu

Antwoorden: 2
Bekeken: 17172

30-05-2012 15:15 Forum: Seizoen 2011-2012

For me it was the first time playing with these rules. The game is much slower than I was expecting, but I must agree it has more depth and is a lot of fun!

Actually, I enjoy the additional dynamics (compared to regular chess) and the team-play aspect - why don't we play doorgeefschaak more often!?

Onderwerp: Interne competitie (N14): wit begint en wint
Ciprian Padurariu

Antwoorden: 6
Bekeken: 20210

24-01-2012 15:28 Forum: Seizoen 2011-2012

Good point Martin. Congratulations, Ted!
Also, congratulations Hora, 13 games, 10 wins (10 wins!), no draws, no prisoners!

Onderwerp: DSC3 wint verrassend met 6-2 van Overschie
Ciprian Padurariu

Antwoorden: 3
Bekeken: 14603

19-12-2011 01:15 Forum: Seizoen 2011-2012

My game from Saturday was quite interesting: we almost made a "grandmaster draw" until my opponent chose a wrong plan and I did my best to encourage him to follow it. I've posted the game and comments in our games' forum.

Onderwerp: Interne competitie (N9): Toppers eindigen onbeslist
Ciprian Padurariu

Antwoorden: 22
Bekeken: 41177

29-11-2011 13:24 Forum: Seizoen 2011-2012

Very much agreed and thank you, Ted!

Oh.. and I'm afraid the final position where we agreed a draw. The pawn endgame. Was winning for White..

For me, the game was another reminder. I should really consider studying simple endgames again. Either that, or play the middlegame better, so the game decides earlier. Or both..

Onderwerp: Nipt verlies DSC3
Ciprian Padurariu

Antwoorden: 9
Bekeken: 20466

30-10-2011 10:51 Forum: Seizoen 2011-2012

wow Ivar, really a very intense game. My only comment is that 11... Be6 wasn't good. In those closed positions you should just be happy to grab a knight on f3. Like you said later on, if he would take on e6 you get to take a breath. Not allowing a knight to g5 would've been great.
Anyway, you put up an amazing fight and came back a pawn up from a totally lost position. Good job!

Actually, on a smaller scale, my game had the same evaluation fluctuations.
First I was worse. (tricky opening)
Then I pushed a confusion button on my opponent and was better.
Then I missed a forced win because I was in a bit of a hurry trying to avoid time trouble. (very stupid)
Then I made another small inaccuracy and allowed enough counter-play for the draw. (it was hard to win that position anyway, but since I had found my opponent's confusion button, I feel bad for not bringing in the full point...)

I had a great time playing though and that's all that really matters in the end.

Onderwerp: Interne competitie (N1): Hoge opkomst bij eerste ronde
Ciprian Padurariu

Antwoorden: 6
Bekeken: 18845

15-09-2011 09:45 Forum: Seizoen 2011-2012

I had a very fun game against Gert. With White, I took over the initiative, looking to take advantage of a slightly passive setup. To do so I had to sacrifice a pawn, which turned out really great as I had a very promising position. Some relatively deep analysis with Houdini sort of confirms this, as I could not yet find a way out for Black after f5...

With a long term initiative, I decided to play a little bit cautious and tried to develop and deploy my pieces before going for the throat, but in the process, Gert found an absolutely brilliant defensive idea Nf6-g4-h6-f7, defending all the dark squares around a Stonewall of pawns: c6, d5, e6, f5. The defensive idea Kh8, Nh6-f7 in particular had completely escaped my consideration. Excellent job Gert!

After this defense, I decided to give another pawn (which I though should not be taken, and Houdini confirms it). Gert took it and gave up the dark squared bishop in the process. Alas, even though I did try to exploit the weakness of the dark squares and even though I still had some good chances to gain an edge, some more inaccuracies on my side made the position turn on me. Gert stabilized, opened the center and capitalized on my blunders...

I will post the game moves soon.

During the game I felt like I had too little time. Hopefully that will change on Saturday.

Onderwerp: Met Richard Oranje van de geëffende paden bij het Zomervarianten ontdekkingstoernooi
Ciprian Padurariu

Antwoorden: 3
Bekeken: 18194

03-08-2011 11:52 Forum: Seizoen 2010-2011

Nice idea Ted 4... c6! I like it alot!
I'm sure it's not a bad move and it certainly would make me very sorry to have played h2-h4.

Wish I could have joined you guys, but I was still recovering from my recent trip to Prague. I'll join from next Monday though!

Onderwerp: Interne competitie (V8): Gert Legemaat te sterk voor Bob Voogt
Ciprian Padurariu

Antwoorden: 3
Bekeken: 18153

11-05-2011 13:08 Forum: Seizoen 2010-2011

"Geef Rob en Bert de winststelling in een diagram met de opdracht: wit wint snel, dan zien ze het wel, denk ik."

Moral: always assume you have a quick win!

Onderwerp: Hora Vlam wint Prometheustoernooi
Ciprian Padurariu

Antwoorden: 3
Bekeken: 16861

12-04-2011 09:44 Forum: Toernooien & activiteiten

One full point ahead! Good job, Hora, congratulations!

Onderwerp: DSC3 reeds veilig
Ciprian Padurariu

Antwoorden: 14
Bekeken: 28521

15-03-2011 14:56 Forum: Seizoen 2010-2011

I am impressed. KNSB solved the issue very quickly.
The rules have been studied, fault attributed, punishment executed.
All is well.

And yet...

Onderwerp: Interne competitie (V2): Ciprian Padurariu verslaat Richard Oranje
Ciprian Padurariu

Antwoorden: 3
Bekeken: 17400

01-03-2011 12:34 Forum: Seizoen 2010-2011

Hard fought game yesterday.

Richard complained before the game that he showed me too much about the lines he plays in the Dutch. I felt this was a tricky trap (it's Richard!), so I made sure we were both out of theory by move 3.

The game started out exciting, with both players finding very good and relatively difficult moves... until about 10 o'clock in the evening, when the game came to an abrupt end... I posted it in Partijen van DSC-ers.

Onderwerp: Interne competitie (V1): Voorjaarscompetitie van start
Ciprian Padurariu

Antwoorden: 7
Bekeken: 22058

15-02-2011 14:17 Forum: Seizoen 2010-2011

I played a nice game against Bob the day before. I had some time so I wrote down an analysis with some of my thoughts during the game. You can find it in the private forum: Partijen van DSC-ers

Onderwerp: Interne competitie (N14): Jan Peter van Zandwijk verrast koploper Gert Legemaat
Ciprian Padurariu

Antwoorden: 1
Bekeken: 14855

01-02-2011 17:03 Forum: Seizoen 2010-2011

I played against Kim yesterday. One of the most interesting games I've played so far.

Onderwerp: Interne competitie (N11): Weinig veranderingen aan kop
Ciprian Padurariu

Antwoorden: 1
Bekeken: 14541

14-12-2010 18:56 Forum: Seizoen 2010-2011

I apologize Kim for failing to announce that I could not make it yeasterday. To be honest, I had completely forgotten what day it was. I'm sorry.
I'm glad that it all worked out in the end.

Onderwerp: KNSB-Bekerteam schlemielig ten onder tegen Philidor
Ciprian Padurariu

Antwoorden: 7
Bekeken: 17360

07-12-2010 13:05 Forum: Seizoen 2010-2011

It was a fun game. I threw away a good position, based on a slight miscalculation and ended up having to accept the draw. Unfortunately I am not very good at adjusting my attitude from trying to find wins to accepting the draw.
This resulted in me spending too much time and when I finally had to settle for an equal position, I had too little time and lost due to blunders.

Onderwerp: DSC3 wint van Overschie
Ciprian Padurariu

Antwoorden: 12
Bekeken: 22052

25-11-2010 12:22 Forum: Seizoen 2010-2011

Grijns Absolutely breathtaking lines! Thank you, Henrik!
It's great to see a position like this where the most beautiful moves are also the most efficient and sometimes the only real way to proceed.

Onderwerp: DSC3 wint van Overschie
Ciprian Padurariu

Antwoorden: 12
Bekeken: 22052

23-11-2010 12:55 Forum: Seizoen 2010-2011

Great game Henrik, congratulations again! A wonderful miniature!

It almost doesn't matter anymore whether the whole game was correct, I mean, it's a win in about 20 moves. Obviously h5 is wrong and Neg5 followed by Bxg6 was a briliant shot.

I would actually say 11.Ne4 is brilliant and made everything possible. It reminds me of the way Paul Murphy used to bring about pieces towards an opponent's king.
But how about 12. h4, is it a good move, have you analyzed it? Do you still get a better position if black follows with 12... c4? It would be really interesting to know, because black made relatively normal moves up to that point.

Onderwerp: DSC3 wint van Overschie
Ciprian Padurariu

Antwoorden: 12
Bekeken: 22052

21-11-2010 17:03 Forum: Seizoen 2010-2011

Glimlach Hey Martin, thanks for the explanations! I wasn't really expecting someone would change the rules of the KNSB competition because I find the decisions of some teams silly.

I just mentioned what I remembered from playing in teams back home. There, it would be unheard of for a tournament to change its rules to accommodate wishes of players (some unreasonable too, like to play only white (or only black)). It would certainly be unheard of for a tournament to change the rules in order to make opponent preparation easier - it works the other way around, the teams (leaders and members) adjust to the rules of the competition. It is just a different system and a different mentality. I'm not saying it's better.

I understand that the championship here is different. There is need for more flexibility. I completely agree that the rules work better here the way they are, I'm not complaining.

We are after all just playing for fun. But it is also a bit ridiculous that you can take a player who is 300 rating points below the team average (300! not just 100 or so, I could more or less understand that, 300!) and just throw him on the top board. He happened to be a wonderful person, polite and nice, but I am sure that the game was not much fun for him (he told me he felt like he had no chance). It was a silly decision from the team, who seems would rather do their best to win the match than ensure that the players enjoy a balanced game of chess.

But I had fun. I enjoyed the game more than my opponent (a game quite pretty after all, even if a bit one-sided), though I can't help having a bitter taste. More to the point, I can imagine that if our team lost or made an equal score, I would have enjoyed my result much less. I might have even talked about fairness.

Well, to put an end to this opinion on a sunny note, I will post my game here. I hope some opponents would spot it and prepare against me, so that next time there would be no need to place a "sacrificial" player on the top board.

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